Lil Stewie an upcoming artist from the U.K. He lives in the South West of England in a city called Plymouth. He started making music during Quarantine to pass the time and claimed to instantly fell in love with it. It quickly became a way to vent his emotions as it does for many others, listeners and creators alike. He has been living with Crohn’s Disease since he was 12 years old and because of this he had to give up playing football among other passions. Now a days Lil Stewie fills the time with gym trips and rounds of golf, as well as, creating music. He stays very positive about the hand he was dealt and Lil Stewie is constantly working on getting better in and outside of music. His passions for music is strong and it shows in his very tape. He has an ear for witty instrumentals and has a unique way of putting himself on them. “Don’t Worry” is one of our personal favorites from “New Chapter” because it instantly takes you into another world. A lot of these songs have that in common. Every instrumental is very unique from the next and as an atmosphere all of its own. Lil Stewie also opens up a lot through out this tape really letting you know who he is. “New Chapter” is worth checking out without a doubt.