Lvd, a.k.a. li•vid, is a 23 year old artist hailing from New Brunswick, New Jersey. Recording artist, beat maker & playlist curator, as well as; DJ, creative director, former radio host, & part time fashion model. Lvd is all over doing everything he can and it makes you really wonder what he can’t do. His new single “Take It Easy” ft Sandbox, is a fun trip through a dream world filled with trap drums and euphoric synth chords. The drums bring a high intensity to the mix adding spice to a mellow theme in the lyrics. Ideas of taking it easy and avoiding the confrontation. Sandbox and Lvd talk about smoking and having a nice mellow day instead of arguing with whatever woman is being mentioned. Anyone can relate to a song like this because, some days we all want to just take it easy. This jam is perfect for he function or driving down the street with you windows down. The happy chords and upbeat drums brings great vibe to your speakers at anytime. Check out Lvd and Sandbox and look out for Lvd’s new EP coming very soon.