New Jersey MC, Dzh is back with a new addition to his “Hulk series” titled Bumper Hangin. The single was co-produced by Hvll, HUBI, and Nikola; and was mixed and mastered by Levi Hinson.
The 2-minute single follows a similar subject matter of an earlier released song “Ethic”. The message- no matter the odds or obstacles against Dzh, he still has work to get done. Inspired by an accident he got involved in last year, Dzh uses this single to mention that he didn’t get this far just to get this far, but that he kept perfecting his craft and getting better. The fast-paced feel of this track gives listeners a front row seat into the events which led to the literal bumper hanging of Dzh’s car. Dzh also uses this single to flex his lyricism and artistry.
The music video was also released a few days after the single
Check out Bumper Hangin and the music video below