JER: An Album To Blow Your Socks of and Teleport You to the Tropics.

Let’s get into some ska. That’s always a fun topic. A very divided one, much like country music for some reason. Specifically we are here to talk about JER. They recently dropped their debut solo album BOTHERED/UNBOTHERED, a high energy fast paced ska punk album. I’m not sure that this could get anymore classic ska. My whole body is moving as I’m sitting here listening and writing. I am personally getting big early 00’s vibes from it. JER has described this album as a means of, ‘Exploring and navigating an unjust world as a marginalized person exploring queer and black identity.’ While I am listening I would have to agree with them. These subjects are very evident in the lyrics. I would have to say this is a very high quality album. From the actual sound, lyrical content, and musical talent of the band. BOTHERED/UNBOTHERED hits every point you could want from a good ska punk album while still crossing some genre lines within it.