Otto Meech: Exploring More Sounds and Sounding Great Doing It.

Otto Meech is someone we have always kept up with since the first time we heard his music. Otto has always had some interesting production and bars but, with his newest 5-Track EP, “Dart22”. This EP is a quick listen with a runtime of only 11 minutes. It’s perfect though because, this tape is not meant to be single after single. Each and every song is another piece of the puzzle as the seamlessly bleed into one another. No one section over stays it’s welcome and the song before and after show great intention when building this project. You have got to appreciate when an artist puts in the extra work to make a project like “Dart22”. Not only are the instrumentals and bars spot on but each and every song has it’s spot. Our favorite tracks have got to be the more bubbly and experimental sounds inside of “Progression” and “On a Mission”. This is a sound I wasn’t expecting from the DartMan. Usually Otto is going as crazy and loud as possible but, these wo tracks almost of a Psych Hop sound to them. By using slow melodies and bubbly synth sounds, “On a Mission” comes out so washed out and wavy that you almost feel intoxicated. Once again we are telling you to listen to Otto Meech because if anyone deserves the extra support, it’s Otto.