austyn with a y has blow us away with his newest tape “Views From Outside My Bedroom Window”. This tape plays so seamlessly from track to track that, it would be a disservice to even pick a single track to listen to. The melodic keys and texture of the sounds is so nostalgic as each song finds the perfect spot to sit in the rotation and it all perfectly comes crashing down. austyn is a talented producer and writer and we think that comes through a lot here. The instrumentals have crystal clean finishes and the lyrics make you wish the songs will never end. “Bittersweet” especially has such a nice bounce and presentation. With soft leads sliding around your ears and glittery keys driving the melody. The instrumental is so unique and infectious that you can’t help but listen over and over. Overall we are just astonished by the soft yet impactful sound that austyn has given us. Very delicate and talented hands made this tape and we can tell austyn cares about what he is making.