LORD MUNDY is an artist we have been keeping up with for a minute and now one of his singles is finally getting a wider range of acknowledgment so we thought it would be a great time to celebrate and show it off to all of you. “WRATH” was put together with the help of producer DUMPY. The idea was too take a more ominous approach to current hip hop. Personally, we feel like this was achieved very well by creating an off-putting and hard hitting atmosphere to float around in. With synths racing past you like race cars and quick drums to create a nice and fun rhythm around the whole thing. MUNDY isn’t the type to let the bass fade to the back so you know this track is filled with punch and aggression inside of the instrumentation as well as the vocals of MUNDY. He takes a quick bar approach but still delivering every syllable with clarity and ease. Just another reason you should be on the wave LORD MUNDY is creating.