gcmayn is a new artist erupting on the scene. 20 years young and he produces his own tracks. He’s moving quick, going from Seattle to Los Angeles to pursue his career in music. His obsession with music stems from long drives with his dad and classic rock bands like Led Zeppelin. gcmayn was always a happy kid but it was around the time he went to middle school that he started to feel uneasy and anxious around the other kids. After bouncing around a few high school and losing a relationship, gcmayn decided to start putting his feeings into music with his own two hands. Now he’s creating as much as possible and chasing his real dreams in hopes to connect with every kid just like him. Every kid who feels trapped in their own room.
“4U” has a very classic rock sound with a guitar riff swallowed by noise to start the track off. gcmayn pours out his heart to someone as he kicks off the song with angelic vocals and catchy lines. This song is filled with so many great sounds and riffs that it truly takes you to another land. Take some time out of your day to enjoy some music from the mind of gcmayn.