Masquerade Butterfly: The Perfect DIve Into an Artist Mind.


Masquerade Butterfly is the alias of 23 year old producer and vocalist Vivian P. She takes influence from mid-2010's hip hop, mellow indie rock and experimental EDM, Masquerade Butterfly crafts raw, emotional musical creations.

“Partners In Time” is the newest 3-track EP from Masquerade Butterfly. She really dives into a submissive and atmospheric sound that, you can find yourself getting lost in. Each track has a similar sound to the one before with each being, supported by left field guitar licks throughout. This tape attempts to blend genres left and right and we think it does a very great job of that. Especially the more punk and hip hop influenced sounds. The guitars weep and cry along side Masquerade as the drums, smack with quick hats. The 808s are right in your face kind of, holding your hand, through the songs. This tape was well put together and she shows how much she cares for her music with every lyric truly meaning something to herself. The perfect dive into an artist’s mind in the current day.