Faust the Owlchemist: A New Tape with Genre Bending Sounds.


Faust is an artist from the Bay Area who takes on themes of sadness, sin, and sorcery, inside of their music. Their most recent self produced tape entitled, “Crescent Moon Coven” is 15-tracks long and dives into the chaotic mind that is Faust. Bouncing from many different sounds and genres while still keeping the mind bending and genre experimenting sound it starts with. Apart of Demonpop and Collective Decay, we would expect nothing less but the punchy and experimental mixes we get on tracks like “Lance of Longinus” and “Phoenix Down”. Faust also takes on another sound very heavy in this track list and it’s this bend between punk rock and spacious atmospheric music with spacious vocal mixes and punky guitar riffs. This whole tape is filed with a lot of substance and work so it’s a no brainer to at the very least, check it out and spin the first few tracks. This is a piece from a true artist that has a lot more in store for the future.