The Great Pangolin: Another Colorful Ride Into Madness.


The Great Pangolin is back with a new track expressing color and adventure. Inside of “P.A.U.R House” The Great Pangolin brings us along on an intense and electronic textured ride through the colorful depths of her mind. She layers deep sounds full of texture and automation as reverbs and spacious delays fill out the mix. The track starts at what seems like a good solid foundation for a track but, as the song progresses, The Great Pangolin stacks new ideas on top of each other to make an ever changing mix of emotions that never play one note the same. The video is a good visual effect of the tracks motion. It starts slow and colorless, almost no movement or texture in the image and as the song picks up, the video becomes all the more distorted. Screen pumping to a lively rhythm and flashing color full textures along with the sparkly synths. This whole artistic piece was well made and we are sure it will be enjoyed by many people in their, dark bedrooms, late at night.