BIG LAX is a 19 year old from PG County, Maryland. He’s found most of his influences in rap music from the 2000s and 2010s, such as, Lil Wayne and Drake. BIG LAX makes music to get everything out of his head and just to say whatever is on his mind. Most importantly he makes music to have fun to. “Frostbite” is his newest body of work. This album runs 12 songs long and a little over 30 minutes. The sounds range from banging hip hop to wavy R&B. It kicks off with “Dead to You”, an intoxicating track with phasing synths and bouncing drums. BIG LAX adds auto tune melodic singing to add an even better R&B atmosphere. One of our favorite tracks is entitled, “Natalie”. This features melodic keys and BIG LAX coming in with Spanish and English lyrics. He is very versatile and his sound is one of a kind. BIG LAX does a great job of creating a world around him through musical ambition. “Frostbite” is a spaceship to space with the way it consumes you and surrounds your ears. Futuristic sounds and vocals as well as, well thought out lyrics and structures. Check out this tape as soon as possible. We are more than positive that you will fall in love with at least one song on this track list.