M.Aa.Xx: A Fresh New Sound.


M.Aa.Xx is an artist from College Park, Georgia. He is currently residing in Philadelphia at 21 years of age. M.Aa.Xx s tarted music as a teenager after Spaceghostpurrp came to be. That was the “last straw” to spark a flame in M. “type games” by M.Aa.Xx and Kpx4, is a new track with a wild vibe. The drums are crazy with snares going wild and high hats jumping in your ears constantly. This track has smooth 808s smacking as M lays down fresh explicit bars of women and drugs. This is a great vibe to listen to for the turn up. Something to get people going nuts and just raging in general. We see a bright future for M.Aa.Xx because his shows would go crazy. Check him out now.