L dot C: The DIY Legend Waiting To Break Out.


LC is an artist from Joliet, IL, a small town outside of Chicago. He’s been creating since 16 but, didn’t take it more seriously until reviving his bachelors in computer graphic design. He has a versatile sound but focus most on old time rap and flows. That being said, he can sing and has been singing since since choir classes at a very young age. LC feels that his rapping however, is the ends to his means. He’s confident he can break through big time with his rapping. He wishes to spread a positive message with the music he creates. He has siblings he cares for and he wants to inspire not only them but all the youth to truly be what they want. LC does everything himself. From the music to the artwork behind it. A true creative in every definition of the word. L Dot C has many quality singles but the one that really caught us off guard is his single, “Made”. This single has an insane beat to keep the vibes moving and lyrics that are undoubtably well thought out. LC shows his quality and talent in every song. He has star power and confidence within his music that is hard not to notice. When you hear and LC song for the first time I’m sure you’ll be a fan whether you enjoy rap that much or not because, his lyrics have meaning and aren’t the typical modern day rap songs you hear from BlueFace or Lil Pump. He has a many creations to enjoy and dive into so be sure to take a little time to see what’s up with him. We promise you there will not be any disappointment.