Exotiic is a young new artist from a small town in Illinois. Recently graduating high school, this young 18 yr old has his sights set on, breaking out of the loops everyone in his town are stuck in. Growing up, Exotiic always saw music as a form of art work. He would mess around with many instruments including piano and saxophone but, it wasn’t until recently that he, took a more serious take on it. The last 6 months, Exotiic has been working with James Fletcher in creating a joint project entitled; “Go Time”. Exotiic has wished to create many different sounds and even has an acoustic EP.
“Astro” feat. FOXHOUND, is a leading track on Exotiic and James Fletcher’s new EP. This track has a nice catchy hook accompanied by drums that bang away. In the background you can hear nice bell loops that keep the song moving. “Stackin” is one of our personal favorites. It features a abnormal hook with crazy vocal effects. This delivers a nice unique sound that isn’t really comparable to much. That’s something special these guys have done with this tape, it has its own sound and movement. It feels as if they don’t conform to the same musical rules as most and create things that are genuinely fresh and new. Both of these kids are nothing to overlook. Check them out below.