A.S.K. is a musical artist based out of Richmond, Virginia. He began music his freshman year of high school but didn’t think of it much as a professional career until his freshman year of college. Currently, A.S.K is a junior at George Mason University majoring in; Marketing. A.S.K has a message of following your dreams that he wants to spread to every kid he can because, he grew up with a lot of low points in his life and can’t stress enough the importance of overcoming. He wishes to encourage everyone to stay on their own path and not change for anyone or anything. You are allowed to ask what you wish of the universe. A.S.K recently released his single,
“Holy Ghost”. This track is a great vibe with a great message. A.S.K seems to search for forgiveness in god for his sins. He talks about chasing down his dreams and how close he feels to achieving them. This instrumental is a smooth jam with beautiful chords on a Rhodes running around the whole time. A.S.K breaks down the beat for a quick spoken word type verse that adds great variation to the song before coming back to the hook. This song is such high quality that it isn’t one to miss. Check this man out now.