MXN: Music For All Your Trials and Tribulations.


MXN is on a mission to create works not only relevant to him but, something that can truly heal someone else, going through the same trials. He creates, keeping in mind, that he doesn’t want to sound like anyone else. With this in mind, he creates weird sounds that are perfect for his voice and keeping his melodies true to him. MXN’s new album has recently released titled, “Leave Me Be…”. This album runs, 13 tracks long and is a good introduction to MXN’s sounds. Auto-Tuned dripped vocals flood inside of abnormal synth sounds playing melodies we hear inside of trap music. The melodies are new and fresh for someone who hasn’t expanded their music ears much. On this tape, we even get some guitar licks here adn there that add a sense of beauty on the tracks that have it. The drums on every song bang and can get anyone out of their seats. On this tape, MXN seems to preach his woes of heartbreak and losing love. A sad album with melodies that keep the vibe. Check it out below.