Sour: The Sweet Raps From A Sour Man.


Sour is a rapper and artist. Growing up watching MTV is where he began to create. His father didn’t approve of the MTV culture back then as, it was filled with a lot of early 2000s rappers talking about women and drugs but, when Sour’s father would leave for work; Sour would watch away and even write down the lyrics he liked. Around the fourth grade, Sour began writing his own raps and almost got suspended passing a collab back in forth during a test. He recorded his first mixtape at age 13 and ever since he’s been on the same thing.

“Medicated” is a new single by Sour. A classic tune about getting the unprescribed meds you need. Sour goes on about taking over the industry and saying a loud screw you to the people duplicating. On top of the drug influenced raps, the instrumental goes nuts. With siren like synth sounds racing back and forth as Sour gets wilder and wilder. This tune is perfect for the smoke sesh so, next time you’re out rolling up; plug in Sour. Check out his newest single here.