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8485: "Scribbles" and It's Hard Hitting Glittery Experience.

8485 is someone who has proved themselves time and time again so, between her quality and consistency on many EPs as well as the high production teaser video released, we couldn’t wait to press play on the newest song from 8485. “Scribbles” featuring Drainpuppet is an electronic, bright, and crazy mix. You have the glittery synth leads bringing you into a new world almost immediately as they build and build into a nice electronic soundscape until, ultimately; crashing into a mean bass with wild filters and movement. The drums are punchy and quick with not a single hit over staying its welcome. This song really brings me back to masterclass OSTs in different media from the early 2000s. It’s fast and spacious, almost as if the tension is slowly and slowly building until you’re finally in that chase scene with gated synths and fast paced drums leading your legs. The song itself even has a nice resolution as a whole by almost slowing everything down for the final chorus. The track still keeps a great pace but, shifting the drums to half time here really made the song and the, themes of figuring out life on your own, really begin to feel real here. It’s emotional, nervous, and triumphant all at the same time. A great listen for any electronic music fan but, also for anyone trying to put all the pieces together.