Metatron: A Digital Rendition of Classic Video Game Nostalgia.
“Media Blues” is a new track from the mind of Metatron. He recreated a rendition of music in the game, entitled, “2064: Read Only Memories”. The track features bright 80s sounding synths mixed with Rhodes keys and digital leads. The whole track is a rhythm right after another with new sounds flooding in at any moment. It’s honestly a great piece of work that you can hear the hours put in. Every loop was well drawn or played and the drums are subtle but still smack at the same time. This mix is anything but, messy and unorganized with, every sound finding it’s place and a perfect bubble to preform.
METATRON has been creating music since 2011 and even started with his passion for video game music. He learned production from trying to recreate some of his favorite works. The vaporware sound also always spoke to him as, it takes on more of a digital tone and look with old PC themes and sounds. He takes influence from modern day master pieces like Yellow Magic Orchestra and Disasterpeace. METATRON comes off as a beautiful soul that we think deserves endless recogniton for the work he creates. It’s an evil world but there beauty all around us and METATRON’s creations are definitely apart of that.