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BOB ALMiGHTY: A New & Fun Culture To Get Behind.

BOB ALMiGHTY is a new face on the scene. 25 years young and lots of time spent working on not only his persona but his ability of creating music as well. Bob spent time learning the ins and outs so he could creat his own genuine works of music. From mixing and mastering, to recording and writing the vocals, Bob is all over it and with a smile on his face. Bob likes to keep his sound relative to him and his local scene. He calls it “Conscious Crank” which is, music about ones personal life with a deep or simple meaning but, over hard hitting trap beats. 

“Surprise” is a new track from BOB with a super rhythmic beat. The kicks carry the track as BOB adds cleaver bars about life around him and how he’s doing. He takes on a commentary about people looking down on him but how his pride is too strong from them. This is right on brand for BOB because he believes in being your own “Favorite Artist” and creating your own reality with your own two hands. BOB is on a whole new wave so catch up before you’re left behind.