dxct: A Modern Tape with A Classic Sound.
dxct teamed up with classic Lofi producer bsd.u to create his newest tape “HOLIDAY”. With this tape dxct hope to dial in his style while bringing something new and fresh to the table. In our opinion, he’s done just that. It’s hard not to enjoy a single track on the tape. They all take on this very classic and real sound by using vinyl scratches and emotional melodies to create a new world. dxct has already had a big year for himself. Not only, spreading his music throughout Kansas but the world as well. Gaining followers on every platform you can think of and doing it while recreating a classic sound with 90s hip hop influence. That being said, this isn’t something you’ve heard before. dxct has his own way of rapping and his world play is so spot on that, they might go over your head on your first listen. Some of our highlights from the tape are the experimental “Temple Steps” and the rhythmic “Beat the Case”. Every track has its own energy while still delivering a tape sound. The goal was more than achieved. dxct and bsd.u are both very talented and intelligent musicians.