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L DoT C & J. penny: The MeN Pushing For A BriGhter Future.

L Dot C and J. Penny are putting on for their city. By showing love and hope they pray that, their city in turmoil, can one day become a hub of positivity and support. They recently released a collab project entitled “Gutters 2 Glory”, shedding light on the struggles they experience and how they can move forward and take control of their futures. “Comin’ Dine” is a great track from this project. It has a atmospheric Into with a mysterious drum beat bumping slightly in the background. Then, a great recording of pitched vocals kicks the track off. Catchy and with the layered vocals to back it up, the intro becomes a great attention getter that would get anyone listening. Their verses are tightly knit and well thought about. These two are true artists and have a lot coming in the future. Keep your eye on them because we will be.