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Bianca Baby: The Next Britney BriTney.

Bianca Baby is a singer songwriter from Melbourne Australia. She is a happy-go lucky girl who has likes much like the rest of us, including coffee, her friends, and music. Her love of music started when she was just a young gal. She was highly influenced by her dad who loved 50s music, and this transitioned to more modern music when she listened to the daily music countdown on the radio every day after school. When Bianca turned 16, she started posting covers on SoundClound as well as, Youtube. This has gradually turned into producing her own songs in her bedroom. She aspires to be a great performer like Britney Spears, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. The music she produces is pop and written from her life experiences. “I’ve Been Missing You” is a nostalgic masterpiece. You can hear the Britney Spears influence not only in the instrumental but, the way Bianca sings her heart out about love. Bianca shows her sound is a product of her inspirations but still, all her own. We see a bright future for Bianca because she has the sound and the voice to take over the world. If you miss those old days jamming to the modern day pop in the early 2000’s then, Bianca is the artist for you!