Hella Hashtags: A Quick Trip To Space And Back.
Hella Hashtags is a new artist from DC. He’s been skating for 9 years as well as sharing his passions with creating music. He’s not the type to get caught up in current trends and hype but, keeps up with creating as, he has been included and created numerous tapes just this year. “The Sound Tape” is a new beat tape from Hashtags. Six tracks long and spread out to simulate a trip to space. Track one being, the take off. Moving along to track two and three which are your adjustment to space and then the deep personal thoughts after. Track four is when you become less uneasy with your journey in space. Track five is the start to your return and finishing off with track six, your landing. This tape does a great job of simulating this with a lot of moving parts and abstract sounds. Hashtags proves that he has a vision different from most by delivering a well handled body of work. Not only are these jams catchy and fun to listen to but, they have a purpose and specific order to them. A truly stunning piece of work that you should check out right now.