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Kyle Kobain: Great Influences that Create the Perfect Product.

Kyle is a music artist from Tacoma, Washington. Kyle has had a rough pass bouncing around two different lives and writing music to deal with it. As well as, skateboarding, music was the perfect outlet for a young 13 year old going through the motions. By the time, Kyle was 16, he had equipment to start creating under a real stage name. After, getting kicked off the football team for bringing alcohol around his teammates, Kyle decided its about money and music. Taking all he has and putting it on the table.

Kyle has had a hard path and continues to jump through hoops with friends and family but, soon is on the path to greatness. Now a days, Kyle is focused on his passions with his music, starting a collective with his close friends and spending everyday staying creative and humble. Kyle Kobain shows a lot of promise in the Punk Rap scene. Not only because, he shares a birthday with Kurt Cobain but, also because he shows strong parallels between Lil Peep himself.