Lil BreeZo: Doing This To Bring His Whole Family Out.
Lil BreeZo is a rapper from Neptune, New Jersey. He started his journey in 2018, releasing his debut single “Call BreeZo”. This single racked up over 12 thousand streams since and he’s been keeping up with it. His passion started around age 17 when his friends would throw on beats and everyone would rap to them. He never took it to seriously until, slowly over time, built up a flow and confidence. It got to the point where his friends told him he needed to start recording and making songs. So, that’s exactly what BreeZo did. He found lost of inspirations in artists like Gherbo and Lil Dirk because they had their own flows and styles in their music. So much so, that when you hear them, you know it’s them.
“Stayed The Same” is one of BreeZo’s new tracks. This beat has nice bass and atmospheric synth sounds circling around wildly, almost as if, they’re chasing the hi hats. BreeZo talks about real life experiences and selling drugs to just make money. He talks about the pain he’s brought his mom in a way that seems to say “everything’s changing now” because, he finally found his passions and he’s growing out now. Let’s hope BreeZo we’ll stay true to staying the same like he says as he rises to super stardom.