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Fletcher Christan: The Vet Who, Seemed to Lose Everything But, Grew More Through, Music.

Fletcher Christian has been a musician his whole life. Starting when he was 12, Fletcher began creating music. Now 40, he has lived a life of stories to tell. He was deployed in 2012-13 and returned in rough shape. Now 5 years later, Fletcher feels, as if, he has found a sense of normalcy and has begun his music ventures once again.

Fletcher’s new album, follows the sad and bitter tales of how life has been since deployment. Commenting a lot on, his friend who had, taken his own life after returning home. Fletcher has set out to do something for all the people just like him. All those people who have felt like they lost everything. Fletcher has arrived to find normalcy with you so, join him in his journey and support this genuine kind hearten man.