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Slacks: The Proactive Rapper from NC

Slacks began writing in high school in 2013. Around this time, a lot of ground breaking artists were coming out on the scene such as, J. Cole, Odd Future, and Mac Miller, offering immense amounts of influence on this young NC native. Fast forward, we find Slacks recruiting his friends and artists around him to create the group “FlowslackS”. As the years have went on the group has grown apart but, Slacks has lots of ambition and motivation to start again with artists interested.

At the end of 2016, Slacks released his first project entitled SATURN EP. Soon after releasing his second project FRUIT SNACKS as a way to cope with the stress in his life. Through the last few years, Slacks, has been devloping not only his sound but, the words he speaks as well. In 2017 and 2018 , He compiled a large collection of songs split into two mixtapes entitled Slacker Money Mixtape Pt 1 & Pt 2. Part one delivers the themes as part two seems to be somewhat of a counter part in how it drives them home. We look forward to what Slacks has to bring in 2019.