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rahim the moonlight: Back With Two New Tracks Filled With Emotion And Exploration.

rahim the moonlight returns with two new spiritual and exploratory singles. rahim is a talented song writer, sing and innovator. Creating music with wild influence and creative progression. Inside of “DON’t CRY” we get just that. This song is filled with various guitar recordings and synth keys that change spastically and unexpected. rahim spills out emotion with beautiful and angelic vocals as always. Everything over hard hitting drums that pierce straight through and create a great rhythm around a insane but, beautiful body of work. The song slows down over time and creates a sense of loss and hopelessness as sound by sound soon drowns our, just leaving you with, rahim and bright synth keys. “How Many Times” reminds me a lot of a Frank Ocean song with atmospheric sounds flooding your headphones. The drums and rhythm even follow along with this spacious and intergalactic sound. Synth sounds with reverb and bouncy movement fill in the gaps and bright horns linger around the mix as you fall deeper into the mind of rahim. This track fills you up with so much feeing and intensity. Almost making you feel like you’re falling into a void that seems to have no end until right when track concludes. rahim shows how it really feels to, not only be in his own skin but, also how it feels to be trapped in your skin. rahim is one of the most beautiful we’ve ran into and it’s because of how easy it is for rahim to show emotional expression through music. A lot of artists want to blow up and see a brighter day but rahim uses the music to breathe and say his piece.