Yoro: CreatIve Songs From The Honduran Crybaby.
Yoro is a R&B singer that’s also has the tendencies to rap. He was on a mission to replicate what his life felt like in the moment of creating it. It starts off with “TRIPPIN IN TOKYO” with is a beautiful melodic dream about achieving your dreams and ending up tripping in Tokyo. There’s a nice switch up when Yoro start rapping a bit until it leads back into the atmospheric synths with “Another Peter Parker Story”. Yoro’s sound is very futuristic and melodic and is great to sing a long with and dance to. “U GOOD?” Is one of favorite songs on the tape and it’s just a quick interlude but, it sounds so raw and perfect like we were at karaoke night at the bar and Yoro stepped up to sing during all the chaos. “Nic at Night” is a weird bass heavy track with quick strums and hopping drums. Yoro shows his real rap quality on this song by creating seamless bars and keeping it going way longer than expectations. The track breaks down into distorted voices and quick melodic singing and it easily because one of our favorites. Yoro is a talent going completely unnoticed even though he’s making some of the most creative tunes we’ve heard. Check him out right now.